Write a shell script that searches the file contents in a directory

Write a shell script that searches the file contents in a directory and its sub-directories for a text string given by the user. It list all such file names having that given string and store in a temp file “search_temp”. It should have user friendly messages e.g. “File does not exit” , “Do you want to search again”, etc.

 #bin/bashread-p”Enter a filename:”filename if[[ -f $ Search_temp]] ; then echo “The file $ Search_temp exists.”read –p “Enter the you word want to find:” Word  grep “$word” “$Search_temp” else echo “The file $filename does not exist “. fi SUCCESS=0 E_NOARGS=65 If [-z”$1″] then echo”Usage:basename $0’rpm-file” exist $E_NOARGS fi { #Begin code block. echo echo”Archive Description:” rpm-qpi $ 1 # Query descri…. echo echo”Archive Listing:” rpm-qpl $ 1 # Query listing echo rpm-i—test $ 1 # Query whether rpm file can be installed. If [“$?” – eq $ SUCCESS] then  echo “$1 can be installed.” else echo “$1 cannot be installed.” Fi echo #End code block. }> “$1.test” #Redirects output of everything in block of file. echo “Result of rpm test in file $1.test” #See rpm main page for explanation of options. exit 0. exits = $(grep-c$word$file) if [[$exits-gt0]]; then echo”File does not exit” fi 

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